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The key to a long lasting relationship

Communication is the secret to maintaining a long lasting relationship, according to a major survey from Saga of over 10,000 people over the age of 50.

One in two people (49%) said talking to each other was the number one way of ensuring relationships are maintained, followed by laughter (14%), never going to bed on an argument (6%) and shared interests (6%).

Interestingly, just 2% claimed that romance was the key to a long lasting relationship and it is men who find it marginally more important than women, at 3% to 1% respectively. Revealing the extent of our 'sharing' nature, a mere 1% said that separate finances would enhance the length of a relationship.

Emma Soames, Editor at Large of Saga Magazine said:

"If you're looking for a long lasting bond, talking to each other is the key. This does not mean that romance is dead, on the contrary, making a romantic gesture is one form of communication - the very element that appears to be the secret to ensuring a partnership will stand the true test of time."

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